Our festival runs
on Volunteers!
For 54 years, Autumn on Parade has come to life because of the community spirit and pride among Oregonites. Volunteer efforts of family and friends, neighbors and newbies, paired with the financial and "in kind" support so generously given by local businesses, our City and County officials and governing bodies, and our phenomenal park district are the backbone of AOP. Attendees show their festival support by purchasing tickets for our 60/40 raffle.
The Autumn on Parade Board & Committee are an 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘳 crew of 10 people who work from January to November every year to bring activities you & your family will enjoy.
We love hosting & the sponsorship dollars help make it happen, but, even more than the dollars, the volunteers that come together the weekend of the festival are an absolute necessity to make Autumn on Parade a viable event. These are the extra folks putting in time - and often heavy lifting - to support AOP.
We have a small, but diligent and organized crew building on foundational work from AOP Committees of years past, however each year has proven increasingly more difficult to source folks willing to donate their time during the festival weekend. You’ve even noticed events coming to an end. Despite having solid financials, the future of our festival is questionable solely based on lack of help.
Simply put: We are short on volunteers and Autumn on Parade needs your help.
Tens of thousands of people flock to Oregon for Autumn on Parade annually, spending their money in Ogle County supporting local businesses and Not For Profits. Help us continue the trend by volunteering your time during our event. Learn new things, meet new people, expand your network, and keep this well loved festival alive.
Please reach out to the Autumn on Parade Board via phone, email, or social media for more details.
We can be contacted at (815) 732 - 3465; autumnonparadeinfo@gmail.com; & @autumnonparade on Facebook and Instagram.
OR simply fill out the form below!
To each of you who have volunteered in the past, and to those individuals who come forward every year, we extend a sincere “Thank You.”
To the younger generations, we need you.

Volunteer Here
Autumn on Parade is a great opportunity for school groups, churches, and private individuals to volunteer!
A variety of options exist:
Gatekeeping | Traffic & Parking | 60/40 raffle ticket sales
Festival set-up | Grounds cleanup | Parade help
& much more!
*Please note some volunteer work involves heavy lifting; most volunteer work involves walking.